Friday, 12 August 2011

That Friday Feeling

It's been a strange old Friday today with not much happening besides dark clouds looming overhead. It sounds like something from a stereotypical horror but it is true. Everyone in my family is feeling 'chilled' and too relaxed. My mum has taken to an afternoon nap, my daughter's watching TV in my bedroom and I'm sat on Facebook and Blogger.

Well, a good cup of coffee might shift the mood a little but I honestly think a good sleep should do the trick. Sod's Law says that if I rest then the rest of the family will become re-energised and will keep me from resting.

So coffee it is!

Pump UpThe Jam

Today I am going back to the gym as it has had a week's refurbishment. I'm kind of excited and curious to see what they have done. I am also one sleepy son of a b**** as the 'air conditioner noise' video from last night knocked me out. I have gone from being 21stone 3lb to 18st 10lb but I haven't half felt the workout. What is it they pain no gain.