Thursday, 11 August 2011

Sounds To Sleep To

The past few weeks I have had the most shoddy amounts of sleep imaginable. I have been in bed by midnight and was sat thinking what noise will help make me go to sleep. I have already listened to videos that come under the label of 'Meditation Music' and 'Relaxing Music' and had a vague idea of what I was searching for. This was until I wracked my brains to think of something soothing to sleep to.

When I used to stay at my grandma's house she had one of these air vent things on the wall that looked a bit like this. There were dozens of times where I had fell asleep to the soothing low-hum of a motor and air in perfect harmony.

So I checked YouTube for sounds such as Hoover, Hairdryer, Washing Machine, Lawnmower.....and I'm not crazy! People out there in their 1000's love to sleep to this thing that they have labeled "White Noise".

I don't know whether or not it is cause I am a Virgo, or just a fusspot, but I need to find the low HUMMMMMMMMMMM noise to get to sleep and am not satisfied with these high-pitched hairdryers on a good 80% of the videos. One video of a washing machine caught my attention. If you are reading this, please do try it and let me know how you find it to relax/chill/sleep to.

Click here for the video.

Hello World

What an appropriate title to my first post...Hello World!

I remember being back at school learning about HTML where we had to get 'Hello World' to appear in Internet Explorer by using the Notepad.

Here is what the code looked like for those who don't know what I am on about.

They were the good old days when coding was in its infancy and was the most alien thing in the world for a young schoolboy like me. It seems nowadays though that young people are picking up these skills almost second nature due to the customisable profile designs MySpace and indeed Blogger. Back in the days, when Facebook was hardly used, young people had to have a profile that stuck out. This included learning how to use HTML to get a funky picture as your background of your profile, or how to have flashing GIF images.

When I was a youth ''Hello World'' was an amazing accomplishment...God I feel old and I'm only 26 with less than a month to go before I hit 27 (or 30-3 depending on how you view it).

So, yes...Hello World! My name is Jay (short for James) and I am just starting off on my journey in to the world of blogging. A little about me? I'm a coffee gulping, musical minded, Internet gaming, sweet-toothed father of one from Coventry UK. I love deep philosophical conversations, writing songs/lyrics, learning new things and cultures. Without including this post I will usually end on a philosophical question or words of wisdom.

That's enough for now as I have friction burn on my fingertips from all this typing!

Bye World